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The Sales Team Overhaul That’s Leaving Traditional Methods in the Dust

Ever feel like your sales team is a bunch of Swiss Army knives trying to cut down a forest?
Sure, they’re versatile. But are they effective?
Let me let you in on a little secret: All salespeople are not created equal.
Gasp Shocking, I know.
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But here’s the thing: Most businesses treat sales like a one-size-fits-all job. And they’re leaving money on the table because of it.
Let me tell you about our client, CPD. (Don’t worry, I’ve changed the name to protect the insanely successful.)
CPD thought they had a sales team. What they actually had was a group of people playing sales team dress-up. Sound familiar?
Here’s the problem: Sales isn’t just one job. It’s actually four distinct roles. And when you try to make one person do all four… well, let’s just say it’s about as effective as trying to hammer a nail with a screwdriver.
So, what are these magical four roles? Glad you asked:
1. The Strategic Seller
This is your big game hunter. They’re not interested in small fry. They’re after whale-sized accounts and global alliances. They’re playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.
2. The Setter
Think of them as your sales team’s opening act. They warm up the crowd (aka leads) and set the stage for the main event.
3. The Traditional Salesperson
This is probably what you think of when you hear “salesperson.” They guide prospects through the buying process, answer questions, and generally keep the plates spinning.
4. The Closer
Ah, the closer. The deal-sealer. The yes-getter. This is the person who isn’t afraid to ask for the sale. (Spoiler alert: It’s rarely the same person as your traditional salesperson.)
Now, here’s where it gets interesting.
We introduced CPD to this model, and you know what happened? Their sales skyrocketed. (I’d give you the exact numbers, but I don’t want CPD’s competition getting any ideas.)
But wait, there’s more! (C’mon, you knew that was coming.)
Remember Sarah from our media company? She uses this model too, but with a twist. For big corporate deals, she steps in as the closer. She spends 15 minutes on an hour-long call, pushes for the decision, and then hands it back to her team.
It’s like a sales SWAT team. In and out. No muss, no fuss. Just results.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “My sales team is too small for this kind of specialization.”
Or maybe you’re muttering to yourself, “This sounds great for big corporations, but what about us small businesses?”
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I get it. Really, I do. But here’s the thing: Size doesn’t matter when it comes to sales specialization. (And no, that’s not just something I tell myself to feel better.)
Whether you’ve got a sales team of two or twenty, specialization can work for you. In fact, it’s often the smaller teams that benefit the most from this approach.
Why? Because when resources are limited, efficiency becomes crucial. And there’s nothing more efficient than having the right person in the right role.
Think about it: Even if you only have two salespeople, wouldn’t it make sense to have one focus on setting appointments while the other concentrates on closing deals? That’s specialization in action, folks.
And for those of you running small businesses, listen up: This isn’t just for the big boys. In fact, implementing a specialized sales approach could be your secret weapon against larger competitors. While they’re stuck in their old, inefficient ways, you can be nimble, adaptive, and laser-focused on what each stage of the sales process really needs.
Here’s a shocking statistic for you: In about 85% of businesses, sales roles aren’t specialized enough. They’ve got one person trying to do it all.
It’s like asking Lebron James to be the point guard, center, and coach… while also selling hot dogs in the stands.
So, here’s my challenge to you:
Take a hard look at your sales team. Are they true specialists? Or are they jacks-of-all-trades, masters of none?
If it’s the latter, it’s time for a change. It’s time to build a sales dream team that leaves traditional methods in the dust.
Want to know more about how to implement this strategy in your specific business? I’ve got a free guide that breaks it all down, step by step.
Don’t wait. Your bottom line (and your overworked sales team) will thank you.
P.S. Still not convinced? Remember this: While you’re reading this, your competition is probably still trying to find that one “perfect” salesperson who can do it all. Don’t let them beat you to the punch. Specialize now, dominate later.